Commercial Due Diligence.
Accelerate post-investment scale-up and growth with a new kind of Commercial Due Diligence.
We've worked with Private Equity firms, Venture Capitalists and their portfolio companies to create a new systematic, modularised and more extensive approach to Commercial Due Diligence.
Our approach tests capability and capacity to deliver, commercial process and revenue integrity as well as building a picture of quantified market opportunity, differential advantage, sales velocity, deal-flow and customer perception from the ground up.
Our Commercial Due Diligence solutions
Market assessment
Understanding market dynamics, differentiation and competitive advantage as well as customers prospective opportunity is the cornerstone of any effective CDD
We help investors and their portfolio businesses assess and quantify market opportunities, specific segments, target customers, their budgets and differential advantage. Rather than just validate TAM, SAM, SOM and customer opinion we look for specific conditions, specific quantifiable opportunities, in specific markets where the volume of profitable sales and cash flow are more likely.
Stakeholder interviews
First hand input from external and internal stakeholders often uncovers crucial challenges for investors.
Face-to-face or online, anywhere in the world, Adaptomy can gather critical, structured insights from current and lapsed customers, prospects, market observers and subject matter experts as well as internal management and operational team members.
Differential advantage analysis
Building perspective about relative competitive positioning and differential advantage is one of the first steps to 'win-in-market'
Using published data, mystery shopping, customer interviews and detailed profiling of key people, products, services and marketing collateral we can build insight into competitive threats and possible countermoves. More importantly we help isolate the differentiating factors that provide real competitive advantage, the kinds of things in products, services, culture, data and insight competitors find difficult to replicate.
Getting quick, structured insight into current strategy, commercial capability and capacity is critical for any investor. For investor and investee, using this insight to systematically help develop scale-up and growth plans is differential advantage.
Our CDD diagnostics are based on sub-set of disciplines extracted from Adaptomy DNA methodology - a critical path for CDD. We built these diagnostics to accelerate structured gap analysis, and, also to provide the basis for commercial performance improvement and benchmarking.
Project management
Effective project management of commercial and other forms of due diligence can make a significant difference to the pre-investment and post-investment experience for everyone concerned.
As experienced project managers we can help manage any aspect of the DD process, not just CDD. We can build and manage collaborative deal rooms and coordinate activity across all DD suppliers to reduce the work-load on investors and management.
Commercial viability
Typically CDD concentrates on market assessment, product fit and competitors analysis. We don't think that's enough.
Our approach includes all you might expect from CDD, but also includes detailed assessment of current and future capability and capacity, commercial, marketing and sales process, pipeline and sales management, customer management, adoption, revenue integrity, differential advantage. We work with investors and their portfolio companies to build and deliver value, now and in the future - to help ensure the business can deliver against its plans.